Studying the marmoset as a model for aging, Alzheimer’s disease and women’s health.

Research Focus

 Our lab studies age-related cognitive decline in a nonhuman primate with a short lifespan, the common marmoset.
We use an integrative approach to investigate how sex and sex hormones affect healthy & pathological aging.


Healthy aging & Alzheimer’s disease.

Identifying predictors of age-related cognitive decline.


Women’s health.

Understanding how estrogens modulate cognitive aging and finding new treatments for women with breast cancers.

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Our lab is committed to diversity, equity and inclusion.


We support humane and transparent animal research.

Click here to read the latest article by Dr. Lacreuse on the importance of nonhuman primates in research.

Click here to read the latest article by Dr. Lacreuse on the importance of nonhuman primates in research.