Know the Facts

Transparency ? Yes ! the lab opened its doors to the UMass Daily Collegian ! You can read their INFORMED report here ! We are grateful for journalism integrity in the midst of increasing disinformation and obscurantism. We also thank Dr. Buckmaster’s GetReal! About Animal Research for reporting on our research and getting the facts straight, listen to episode 11 “Dangerous Game” here. Do you love animals? know what your money supports ! listen to episode 28 “Is it love or conflict fundraising?” here

We are primatologists who treat the marmosets with great care, respect and compassion. We fully adhere to the guiding principles of the American Society of primatologists and believe in ethical, transparent and humane animal research to improve the health of humans and other animals. Dr. Lacreuse is the outgoing chair of the American Psychological Association (APA) Committee on Animal Research and Ethics (CARE). Our lab is training the next generation of scientists and veterinarians. We hope that our website offers transparency and debunks the lies that are spread about our lab by hateful and hypocritical organizations. Unbelievably, PETA, which euthanized no less than 2559 animals in 2023, spends thousands of your dollars to harass scientists - preferably women and other minorities - with total disregard for the truth. Do not let fraudulent organizations exploit disinformation for financial gain.

As primatologists, researchers, and animal lovers, animal welfare is always our number one priority!

Here are a list of myths made about our lab and factual information to address them one by one!

Myth: the monkeys are isolated, put into small inadequate cages.

FACT: The monkeys are housed with a mate in large, vertical cages that promote the marmosets’ natural behaviors. They are provided with hammocks, nest boxes, food and water, branches for climbing and daily enrichment, including a variety of food, cozy blankets and toys.

Myth: Animals are subjected to inhumane painful experiments.

FACT: All surgical procedures (e.g., neutering and spaying, just like your own cat or dog) are performed by licensed veterinarians with all appropriate anesthetics and medications. We do not inflict pain on our animals!

Myth: The marmosets are forced to do inhumane testing

FACT: Our lab is conducting long-term studies with older marmosets who perform cognitive, motor or odor tasks willingly on their own to get special rewards, like banana milkshake or marshmallows. They are never punished. The monkeys would simply not participate willingly in this type of tasks if they were mistreated !  
We train them for experiments that involve holding them for a short time and they quickly get used to it (thermoregulation studies).  A procedure that they do not like and that we have done in the past is to be separated from their friends for a day, a test called “Social Separation Test”. It is given to measure their ability to cope with stress (which is an important factor in aging and women’s health issues). The stress disappears completely upon being returned to their home the same day.

Myth: These studies are not up to code.

FACT: All of our studies are approved by the UMass IACUC (Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee) and are under strict state and federal regulations.

Spreading lies about animal research is easy, make sure to always check your sources and facts when reading about any particular subject.

So why is PETA going after our lab? Don’t be fooled! It is NOT about animal welfare.
Female scientist + isolated primate lab at a
Public University = Ideal target for PETA harassment! 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
If you want to help, let UMass know that you support our research! Thank you for taking the time to read through our website